Chicken breast chunks are marinated in ginger and lime, stir fried with sesame oil and honey, then served with coconut rice. A simple recipe with not too...
Sweet Pepper Chicken - quick and easy chicken stir-fry with mini sweet peppers, in a savory and sweet sauce made with Thai sweet chili sauce and oyster...
Chicken curry made with red curry paste, coconut milk and cooked in one pan. This chicken curry recipe is fast, easy to make, tasty and great as family...
Sweet Chili Shrimp Skewers - perfectly grilled shrimp on sticks, marinated with Thai sweet chili sauce. These shrimp skewers are so easy to make and so...
With a crispy, crunchy exterior and a stretchy, chewy interior, these Malaysian flatbread (roti canai) are easier to make than they look. Served alongside...
I am a big fan of American classics like burgers and pizza, but sometimes you need to push things a little bit and try to come up with something that is...
It's easy to buy a cooked hen, take the meat off the bone and use it in a 'wow' recipe. I especially like it for dishes like this curry that I might not...
Short-grain rice and fresh corn is cooked in vegetable broth in the Instant Pot® to cut down on time without compromising flavor. This is a vegan and...
My college roommate was from Taiwan, and this dish that she made was my favorite. I asked for it so much she finally gave me her recipe! A great Asian...
With a crispy, crunchy exterior and a stretchy, chewy interior, these Malaysian flatbread (roti canai) are easier to make than they look. Served alongside...
This is an easy to make Asian inspired recipe for chicken in a pressure cooker. It has a subtle sweet and sour taste to it. Serve over white rice with...
This lo mein can be on the table in no time and is packed with flavor without having to use those fancy sauces. The excess liquid will be soaked up by...
Once it's prepped and in the slow cooker, you'll notice this recipe doesn't provide much liquid-but not to worry, it's just enough to keep the meat moist...
This is an easy to make Asian inspired recipe for chicken in a pressure cooker. It has a subtle sweet and sour taste to it. Serve over white rice with...
These almond cookies are what you would typically find in Chinese dim sum restaurants in Hawaii. A lot of these neighborhood dim sum stores/restaurants...
Soy-Glazed Chicken - the best soy-glazed chicken recipe ever. Made with soy sauce, five spice powder and sugar, this sticky and savory chicken is crazy...
I've had the seared tuna in nice restaurants, but this is better than all of them. One tablespoon of wasabi sounds like a lot of heat, but somehow this...
Kimchee gives fried rice a nice spicy kick in this chicken recipe perfect for busy weeknights. Serve with a spicy mayo for extra heat. This recipe is made...
Kimchee gives fried rice a nice spicy kick in this chicken recipe perfect for busy weeknights. Serve with a spicy mayo for extra heat. This recipe is made...
Kimchee gives fried rice a nice spicy kick in this chicken recipe perfect for busy weeknights. Serve with a spicy mayo for extra heat. This recipe is made...
This is a healthier version of honey-sesame chicken that's pan-fried instead of deep-fried--an easy, home-cooked meal that's salty, sweet, and a little...
I love chicken satay, that spicy meat on a stick, marinated and grilled and served with a peanut sauce. I tried to get that same effect with a chicken...
This variation is famous in Springfield, Missouri, and may be the only way it is prepared there. When I'm not there, I can't find this dish prepared this...
My neighbor used to have a restaurant in Indonesia. He was kind enough to share one of his most popular item on the menu with me. My kids who are big fans...
Kimchee gives fried rice a nice spicy kick in this chicken recipe perfect for busy weeknights. Serve with a spicy mayo for extra heat. This recipe is made...
This is a healthier version of honey-sesame chicken that's pan-fried instead of deep-fried--an easy, home-cooked meal that's salty, sweet, and a little...
This is a healthier version of honey-sesame chicken that's pan-fried instead of deep-fried--an easy, home-cooked meal that's salty, sweet, and a little...